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MediArb recommends that items are replaced as soon as they are used so that they are not missing from your kit in case of emergency. Any items that have passed their expiry date should be disposed of and replaced as they may no longer be effective.

Once MediArb receives your restock request, we will send you an email detailing your order, along with the total cost. You will then be able to use the link or QR code included in the email to complete your purchase.

If you have not yet purchased one of our kits then please
click here.

Please use the form below to restock your Trauma Kits and Trauma Pouches.
Please select which MediArb product(s) you want to restock:

Please note, all items are sent out in the quantities stated. If you wish to order multiples of certain items then please use the Comments box below.

Please select the items you need for your Trauma Pouch:
Please select the items you need for your Trauma Kit:

Thank you for contacting us.

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